
Short Term Memory : How Does Your Behavior Affect Your Memory?

Article by John MacRaay

Eight Seconds

It takes time for you to be able to fully focus attention on a thing, and transfer what you are focusing on from short-term memory to long-term.

Can you guess how long? That’s right, eight seconds.

If you are going to commit to increasing the effectiveness of your memory, you need to make a conscious effort to pay specific attention. If you negate paying special attention, then the rest of your efforts will all… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : How Do You Improve Your Memory Changing Your Behavior?

Article by Martina Kruse

New memories are formed through our behavior and it is known that memories are effected directly through our behavior. Our memories have two segments, long term and short term. Long term is the components and experiences stored from the past and how your life have evolved up to this date.

Short term memory is things that are used on a daily basis such as names,daily routines,phone numbers,new people we meet to name a few. Aging is… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Improve Memory By Changing Your Behavior

Article by Ioan Draniciar

Many factors have influence over how well our memory function performs and one of them is behavior. There are two kinds of memories: short-term memory and long-term memory. Our behavior seems to have a major influence upon both of them.

For example, our short-term memory is affected when we meet someone new and instead of focusing on memorizing their name, we are distracted by something else or we are just too preoccupied on how we look… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Guidelines to Improving Your Memory Changing Your Behavior

Article by Mike Andrews

Having a good memory greatly benefits living everyday life. Let’s define two types of memory and talk about behaviors you can change to improve your memory. Short-term memory involves remembering information like lists, phone numbers, dates, and names to mention a few, and long-term memory is your ability to remember things from your past. The good news is that changing your behavior to improve your memory can be easy.

Imagine stopping by the grocery store on… Continue reading