
Phenomenal Memory Vitamins to Increase Brain Encoding Methods

Memory vitamins cannot assimilate and digest through the body alone. You should consume vitamins and memory foods to enhance the effectiveness of the vitamin. Your body has sensors that signal the brain whenever you’re consuming items with poor nutritional value. You should consume potent and high grade memory vitamins to boost and charge the brain. It is highly recommended that you combine memory foods and vitamins to boost, energize and stimulate the brain.

Consuming the correct memory foods, fruits, vegetables… Continue reading

Boost Your Brain Power for Phenomenal Memory : Brain Power

Article by Anita Hamasaki

Mental Photography was developed by Richard Welch. He is known as the “Father of Mental Photography.” In the last 33 years his research has proven that Mental Photography can increase your brain powers in ways you never imagined. Tests confirm that with this learning technique an average person can learn to read up to 2,000,000 words per minute. (That is not a typo – it really says 2,000,000 words per minute.) In addition, reading comprehension is… Continue reading