
Seven Steps to Better Thinking — Boost Your Brain Power : Brain Power

Article by Virgil Cook

Most people who are not as intelligent as they would want to be would want to boost their brain power. If you are someone who wants to think better, then boost your brain power is just seven steps away.The following seven steps will help you in your quest to make sure your brain is working at its peak.

1. Supplement Your Diet

Natural supplements are thought to have a good effect on the brain. Supplements maintain… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Seven Possible Reasons Behind Loss Of Memory

Article by danica

Memory loss might be caused by old age, head injury, dementia, Lyme disease, anxiety and depression, extreme alcohol intake, and drug interactions.Memory loss is the failure of one individual to retrieve memories due to different elements. It can be short-term or partial, and also long-term or permanent. Listed below are the most common and possible reasons for loss of memory that affect people from different areas of life:Old ageThe natural reason behind loss of memory is old… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Seven Probable Reasons Behind Loss of Memory

Article by Patricia Strasser

Loss of memory may be a result of aging, head trauma, dementia, Lyme disease, anxiety and depression, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug interactions.

Memory loss is the incapacity of one individual to retrieve memories due to different aspects. It can be short-term or partial, as well as long-term or permanent. Here are the most common and probable reasons for loss of memory which affect individuals from diverse areas of life:


The natural cause of memory… Continue reading

Seven Foods can make you Clever : Brain Foods

Article by venturi

It is a truth that different people have the different intelligence quotient. This may be half duo to heredity, and half duo to the efforts you have made to improve your intelligence. Actually, there is no one are born in genius. Even Albert Einstein had said he is not born a genius. So, we can search for something that can help to improve our intelligence. There are seven foods that can be easily seen in our daily… Continue reading