Vitamins : Will A B12 Hair Loss Vitamin Really Help You Grow Hair?

Article by Jane Hatfield

Will A B12 Hair Loss Vitamin Really Help You Grow Hair? – Health

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Time catches up with all of us and with that hair loss inevitably shows up. Whether it’s a small amount of hair loss or a lot of hair loss it’s inevitable that it will happen. But we can minimize its effects if it implement some small life changes that is easy to start.

This article will show you what a b vitamin category can provide for you and your hair for regrowth purposes.

The small life change that you can do for yourself is to change your diet or at the very minimum start taking vitamin supplements to nourish your body with protein that it needs.

Eating a well balanced diet is one of the keys to hair growth and either minimizing or eliminating the sugars and salts that we get in a lot of foods that we eat on a daily basis.

There are a lot of opinions floating around about whether or not diet affects hair but the bottom line is that if you don’t provide your body with the nutrients it needs for proper hair growth you will suffer hair loss sooner than expected.

If you don’t get the nutrients through your food the only other option is through the use of vitamins for your hair and more specifically concentrating on the vitamin b family of vitamins.

Vitamin B provides essential nutrients that your scalp needs in order to provide protein for hair growth. Using B vitamin supplements can be taken by tablet or in liquid form. Taken on a daily basis is one of the best habits that you can form for yourself and provide nutrients to make you feel and look better.

If you take an excess of any type vitamin your body will naturally secrete the rest so that you don’t have to worry about overdosing that much.

I will list some of the essential vitamin B classes that you should be aware to include in your daily habit of taking these vitamins.

You should be taking the following vitamins 1) Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 2) Vitamin B12 (Cobalt) 3) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 4) Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 5) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 6) Vitamin B9 (folic Acid) 7) Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 8) Vitamin E 9) Vitamin H…one of the more important vitamins in the vitamin B family because studies have shown that with a lack of this vitamin in the body tends to produce thinning hair prematurely.

So the bottom line is that if you aren’t eating healthy or at least taking multi vitamins then now is the time to start to insure your hair won’t meet hair loss sooner than expected.

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Learn how to cope with hair loss and find out other peoples perspectives on the matter through the use of forums where quality information is openly discussed to educate people. Visit for more free information and resources to research.

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Jane Hatfield

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Learn how to cope with hair loss and find out other peoples perspectives on the matter through the use of forums where quality information is openly discussed to educate people. Visit for more free information and resources to research.

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