Eat More Legumes Benefit From Fetal Brain : Brain Foods

Article by hi joiney

Pregnant women to eat in moderation Beans Product Beans is an important brain Food If pregnant women eat more beans, it will be very useful fetal brain. This is due to contain 40% soy protein, natural food highest protein content of food. The amino acid composition close to human needs, the more the lack of protein and rich in lysine cereal, cereal proteins are complementary and the ideal natural food. Soybeans containing 15% fat, of which 85% of unsaturated fatty acid to linoleic acid was the highest of 50%. Large Bean oil With 1.6% of the phospholipids, and vitamin E. Soybeans containing 30% carbohydrate, of which half are available for use Starch, Arabinose, galactan and sugar, the body can not digest the other half for the Absorption of raffinose and stachyose, can cause bloating, but there are health effects. Soybean saponins and isoflavones have antioxidant, lower blood lipids and blood cholesterol. Soybean oligosaccharides can directly enter the large intestine without being digested, can be utilized for the Bifidobacterium and have to promote the role of Bifidobacterium breeding can produce beneficial effects on the human body. Soybean contained a considerable number of amino acids and calcium, thiamine and riboflavin, just to make up for rice, flour shortage of these nutrients. For example, the human brain is extremely important nutrients glutamic acid, aspartic acid, lysine, arginine content in soybean is the 6,6,12,10-meter times, showing the high content of on brain function great. 40% soy protein, not only high, but more suitable for human intelligence activities need to plant protein. Therefore, from the perspective of protein, soy products are high-level brain. With fat content of soybean is also high, about 20%. In these fat, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and other fatty acids are more than 80%, which also shows that soy is really high-level brain food. In addition, 100 grams of soybean calcium 240 mg, 9.4 mg iron, 570 mg phosphorus, mg of vitamin B10.85, B20.30 mg, niacin 2.2 mg, these nutrients are necessary for intellectual activity. Soy protein digestibility of 65%, but is made by processing Bean products, Its digestibility improved significantly. Bean products, the first worth advocating is fermented soybeans, also known as tempeh, are rich in vitamin B2, is about twice as high than soybeans. Vitamin B2 metabolism in the glutamate plays an important role, while the human brain, glutamate is an important material, can improve people’s memory. Black beans and soy are similar, their brain activity than soybeans more apparent. Soybeans is not yet mature soybeans after filling, contain more vitamin C, cooked food is good brain food. The calcium content is cooked soy tofu, tempeh 2 times more vitamin B1 content of foods is more than 10 times the iron component is 3 times, and other minerals are also three times more. Soy milk and soy milk contains linoleic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid and unsaturated fatty acids such as are quite a lot, can be described as a kind of ratio Milk Better brain food. Pregnant women should always drink milk, or eat milk alternately. Tofu is a soy protein content of 35.3%, 19% fat, 100 grams of tofu 120 mg of calcium, therefore, tofu is a very good brain food. Others such as fried tofu, frozen tofu, dried bean curd, stewed dried tofu and so is brain food, can turn food. Soybean has such an important role on the brain, starting from the fetal brain, pregnant women should strive to eat more beans and soy products.

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