
Eat More Legumes Benefit From Fetal Brain : Brain Foods

Article by hi joiney

Pregnant women to eat in moderation Beans Product Beans is an important brain Food If pregnant women eat more beans, it will be very useful fetal brain. This is due to contain 40% soy protein, natural food highest protein content of food. The amino acid composition close to human needs, the more the lack of protein and rich in lysine cereal, cereal proteins are complementary and the ideal natural food. Soybeans containing 15% fat, of which… Continue reading

Senior citizens and their families benefit from Medical Alert Systems and Monitoring services. : Sonic Vitamins

Article by J.P. Coleman

America has a large and healthy senior citizen population that is getting bigger by the day. Yes, the baby boomers are arriving as the senior (sonic) boom. Living independently is the most desirable “hope” for almost all of these proud American seniors and their families. Assisted living is expensive, limited, and not entirely trusted. But leaving grandmother in her own home alone raises anxiety to the entire family. What if she gets sick or a fire… Continue reading

Boost Memory : Boost Memory and Concentration – How To Benefit From Improved Brain Health

Many people begin to wonder where their memory and concentration goes as they age. Some people have had problems all of their lives due to undiagnosed ADD and ADHD. Others have gradual memory loss just due to getting older.

Unfortunately, a few people will begin to have problems due to nerve degeneration in their brains caused by Alzheimer’s and dementia. Everyone can use a little bit of boost to aid their brain cells.

There are natural ways to get your… Continue reading