
A Photographic Memory Will Pave Your Way to Success : Photographic Memory

Article by Wade Davis

Some people are endowed with a photographic memory as they only need to see things once and the image remains with them throughout their life. While there are still those who suffer from Alzheimer’s and are known to have a low IQ. So the real question is why some people have a photographic memory while others are stripped of whatever memory they have left.

We get 50% of our brain power through our genes and the… Continue reading

Brain Vitamins : Brain Vitamins – How Do They Prevent Cognitive Decline?

The natural foods we ingest contain a lot of ingredients that keep the brain healthy and our memories sharp and lucid. Many of the vitamins we consume have a protective and maintenance function in the brain. Some of these functions include:

Antioxidant effect:

Brain cells are constantly producing free radicals as a byproduct of metabolic processes. Antioxidants like Vitamin E, C, and glutathione get rid of these free radicals before they end up causing too much damage to the brain.… Continue reading