
Short Term Memory : Memory Loss in Alzheimer’s Disease

Article by Mike Herman

Memory Loss in Alzheimer’s Disease – Health

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Do you know your date of birth? The name of the President or Prime Minister? These are questions that are regularly used to test for memory loss – the first symptom of Alzheimer’s disease.

Although memory loss occurs in all cases of Alzheimer’s disease, it… Continue reading

Understanding Congenital Heart Disease : Brain Vitamin

Article by David Cowley

Arguable the heart is the most important organ in the human body. Without the heart life would not be possible, it is responsible for getting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body by way of the circulatory system. Modern medicine has advanced greatly within the last 30 years and almost all heart diseases can be treated successfully if detected in time.

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a malformation of the large blood vessel near the heart. Congenital… Continue reading

Making Vitamins Plain And Simple : Brain Vitamin

Article by Yvonne Volante

It’s no wonder we are pretty confused when shopping for vitamins. We’ve been told, for example, that a good vitamin supplement would boost our energy level. In fact, we’re told this constantly: in magazine arti- cles, television media, the plethora of vitamin- promoting infomercials, web sites, and pop-up ads on the Internet.

So when you arrive at the vitamin shop, you’re already at a complete loss (and may have forgotten altogether) why you’re even there, and… Continue reading

Prevention of Memory Loss also Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease : Memory Exercises

Article by Susan Nickerson

It’s a startling fact that more than 5 million people in the U.S. suffer from memory loss. And it’s estimated that about 20% of the 78 million members of the now-graying baby boomer generation could develop heart-breaking and irreversible Alzheimer’s disease.

The good news is that the prevention of memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease are within your grasp. Through lifestyle changes and anti-aging techniques, it’s possible to actually increase your mental abilities — and maintain them… Continue reading

Vitamin E Supplement May Reduce Lung Disease Risk : Vitamins

Article by Kevin Agrawal

A healthy dose of Vitamin E as part of a daily vitamin regimen may offer a host of healthy benefits for promoting fitness and wellbeing particularly of the heart, lung, and immune system, according to steady stream of epidemiological research and clinical trials. Recent research has been shedding light on Vitamin E’s extensive role in promoting respiratory health.Science-Supported Vitamin E Benefits for Lung HealthA Cornell University study, led by Dr. Anne Hermetet Agler of… Continue reading