
Vitamins : Vitamins – Do They Really Help in Maintaining Health and Preventing Diseases?

Article by Bertil Hjert

The word “vitamin” is derived from two words, “vital” and “amine”. Vitamins are known to be really powerful organic compounds available in little concentrations in different food sources. Vitamins are supported to function in certain specific ways and their role is vital for the body chemistry. These can be compared to electric sparks that help in ‘running’ human motors.

Vitamins cannot be produced or even synthesized by the organism. Of Course, there are certain exceptions. The… Continue reading

What Are The Best Vitamins For Maintaining A Healthy Head Of Hair? : Vitamins

Article by World Vitamins Online

Everyone wants to look and feel their best. We use various products that help us to achieve the look that we want. Many are conscious of eating a healthy diet and getting the proper amount of exercise. Maintaining a full head of healthy looking hair is also a major part of looking good. We all realize that in the fast paced society that we live in today, while eating a healthy diet and exercising is… Continue reading