Memory Exercises

Memory Exercises : Combine Memory Exercises With Juicing Fruits and Vegetable For Your Memory

The most common cause of memory failure is aging; but while we can’t stop ourselves from getting old, we could still do a lot to improve brain functions and restore our memory – through memory exercises and nutrition.

Just as it is important for our bodies to exercise, our brain too needs to exercise. A great way to exercise our brain is to use it often. Just as an old unused knife becomes dull and rusty, our brains also become… Continue reading

Using A Memory Exercise For Cognitive Impairment

Using a memory exercise can help you to strengthen your cognitive abilities. Losing these abilities is something that many people experience during later life. This is something that can cause people to lose their independence. Using tools that strengthen cognition can help you much later in life.

Many people remember a memory exercise from school. Most people do not participate in this type of exercise outside of school years. There are some major benefits that can be gained from a… Continue reading

Memory Exercises : Memory Exercises – How to Easily Remember Numbers

If you have been looking for effective memory exercises, then there are a couple of quick and easy techniques to improve memory that you can use right away. This article describes how to remember numbers, using the ‘Power of Association’.

The Power of Association Most memory exercises and techniques are based on ‘associating’ or linking what you want to remember with something you already know. A powerful memory is one that is created around a strong emotion, personal meaning or image.… Continue reading

Memory Exercises ? Bring Them On!

Memory is the function of the brain, its efficiency and its ability to process information without a glitch. Memory provides us with the competitive advantage in a tough world. While the human brain and its memory may not be expected to be perfect at every occasion and while to err is only human, the capacity of the brain and the ability to capitalise on the powers to memorize could be exploited to its potential by engaging in some simple memory… Continue reading

Memory Improvement Exercise

There are some high tips for improving your memory all of which are covered within the articles we have on this site. In this article we tend to can target exercise as a specific means to spice up your brainpower and super charge your memory. Your brain, of course, is half of your body therefore anything you do to assist tone and improve your body will benefit your brain enormously. The main ways in which for us to help our… Continue reading

Memory Exercise

I can remember memory exercises and assignments all the way back to second grade, and they always involved drudgery and tedium, like memorizing and reciting the Gettysburg address, and making faces at the kid reciting to try and make them lose their place.

I actually did that and feel some embarrassment at this moment as I remember that.

And now I am noticing that I am having issues with word recall, which tells me that my brain is now 62… Continue reading

Memory Exercises : Memory Exercises Are Great But Get the Basics Right First

Many people who start to experience memory fade, at whatever age this my start, often jump to the mistaken belief they have a serious problem. This is a mistake. Most people who start to experience memory loss or simple forgetfulness can do many simple things before ever going on to thinking there is something serious wrong.

There are indeed many excellent memory exercises that can help you to remember lists and speeches and much else you may feel the need… Continue reading

Memory Enhancement | How to Improve your Memory

Memory is a process of retaining, storing and recalling experiences, and it is closely associated with learning. Thought learning, knowledge is acquired, and through memory this knowledge is made available. There are different types of memory, temporary or short term, which is stored for a very short period of time in the brain- a millisecond to a few minutes, and permanent or long term, which is more lasting.

Supporting factors to promote mental function and enhance memory

In order to… Continue reading

Stanislavski Acting Technique : Memory Exercises

Article by Alison Roskopp

Constantin Sergeyevich Stanislavski was a 20th century Russian actor and director. He created an acting method that has been used and transformed by many greats within the acting industry. His methods and techniques have trained a plethora of modern celebrities and stage actors. His goal when creating the Stanislavski system was to create realism in acting. He is the father and creator of Method acting.

Stanislavski believed in the power of imagination in creating real emotions.… Continue reading