
Top Ten Brain Boosters : Brain Foods

Article by Jeff Hudson

Top Ten Brain Boosters

1- The number one supplement for brain power is carbohydrate – the brain uses sugar for fuel when you are not in starvation mode. Low GI sources (oats and pasta) provide a steady supply that won’t get instantly used up and cause a ‘carb-coma’ which would make you feel sluggish. Interestingly, a study on athletes showed swilling carbs in the mouth can stimulate receptors that fire motivational pathways in the brain, leading… Continue reading

Keeping Your Mind And Brain Healthy : Brain Foods

Article by Howard Lange

Mental activity can maintain your thoughts sharp. Continue to learn and challenge your self and your brain continues to grow.

Evaluation the following tips to assist challenge your brain to continual growth:

. Discover to play a musical instrument. Play scrabble or do crossword puzzles. Interact with other people. Switch careers or begin a new one. Begin a brand new hobby with crafts, painting, wood-working. Learn a foreign language. Volunteer. Travel. Remain informed about world news.… Continue reading

Food For Your Brain Health

In order to have the freedom to live out your plans and dreams for the future, you need to stay strong, healthy, and empowered. Critical to this is the health of your brain.

Some areas where you can make changes to optimize your brain are with food and supplements, physical exercise, sleep, our emotional state, brain stimulation, and the importance of living on purpose.

In this article I’m focusing on the major difference food can make on your brain health.… Continue reading

Top Brain Foods ? Making the Difference

Food is not just for survival, as you might perhaps have known over the years. Our body is a terrific machine with the ability to rejuvenate and reinvent itself time and time again. The cells and tissues, muscles and bones all have the ability to grow stronger, given the right set of nutrients and care. However, it is a fact that nutrients make a lot of difference to the way the different parts of our body react and respond to… Continue reading

Brain Games to raise Focus : Brain Training

Article by dennis laineev

In an age of instant information, high-tech communication gadgets and also a media sensory overload you will find that most people have trouble focusing. We’re constantly bombarded with information from television, radios, computers, friends, co-workers with this all new data flooding the brain it is easy to lose interest. Unfortunately there isn’t any lot people is capable of doing to show over endless stream of data because most among us depend on it to get through… Continue reading

Power your Brain Today

How much is the agility and power of your mind worth to you? Regardless of how much you might have said, the monetary value should not be more than zero. What you have to invest is time. There are plenty of exercises that you can implement on a daily basis and acquiring that information is easy and free. Of course there are a number of good (e)books out there that will provide more in depth knowledge of how to properly… Continue reading

How Does Giving Thanks Affect The Brain? : Brain Foods

Article by Jason T Gomez

Thanksgiving is a time to remember to be grateful for all that we have and for the entire year of good things we’ve reaped. In light of the many trials and tribulations this year has had for many of us, we may find ourselves wondering what there is to be grateful for? However, I can assure you there is always something to give thanks for, like for your brain and the ability to even read… Continue reading

Boost your brain power, boost your potential : Brain Power

Article by Greg Frost

You can control your brain and make it a much more efficient and engineered machine for success. What this means is that there is technology available for the average consumer that helps you to boost your brain power and this is based on something on brainwave entrainment technology. The reason this article chooses this technology to discuss, amongst the many available is that is the easiest to use, most readily available and the one that has… Continue reading

Mind Training And Facts : Brain Training

Article by Pedro Teixeira

Your brain is the most complex creation in the Universe. Every day we are unraveling new secrets about our brain and mind. We are on a journey to unlock all of the secrets of the brain. That journey is still not complete but we have already stated understanding the importance of mind training and how it can help your overall health. Before discussing mind training, let’s share here some interesting and fun brain facts.Your brain is… Continue reading

Top 7 Brain Fitness FAQs : Brain Training

Article by Mitch Slater

Have you noticed these two new (and really important) buzzwords: brain fitness, neuroplasticity?Yes, those two words that appear everywhere in the media these days, and were nowhere to be found just a few years ago.What do they mean? How can they help me?We just polled over a thousand people about their main questions on neuroplasticity and brain fitness. I have selected and answered the 7 most common ones below. I hope you enjoy the FAQ session.Q:… Continue reading

Banish Brain Drain And Sharpen Your Mind : Brain Foods

Article by Mark Rosenberg

Often, many of my over-40 patients will tell me that they have “fuzzy”, or even scattered, thinking. They can’t remember where they put their keys or their wallet and may even have difficulty recalling a person’s name or the name of something they use every day! This causes a lot of concern that these may be symptoms of a serious illness like Alzheimer disease.

More than likely, I reassure them, its just over-40 “brain fog” which… Continue reading

How to Improve Your Brain

Aging isn’t something anyone can avoid, but there is an increasing body of research showing us that there are things you can do, today, to help keep your mind sharp and your body healthy as you get older. But how to improve your brain?

The latest bit of evidence on vitamins, D in this case, and health comes from a population based study of over 3,100 European men (aged 40-79) that found the subjects with high vitamin D levels did… Continue reading