
Good Mood Food : Brain Foods

Article by Mike Sweeney

We now know that regular exercise can affect your mood, increase your energy and increase confidence. In fact a recent study published in the Journal of Psychology, Health & Medicine found just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise generates the most psychological benefit including increased positivity, increase relaxation and enhanced energy levels of participants.

But what about the effects of food?

The Truth about Fat

With the benefits of exercise well established, have we forgotten about the… Continue reading

Mood and Food- What foods can improve it? : Brain Foods

Article by Jason Yun

Halloween is about up. Which means the Holiday season pretty much here. The Holidays tend to bring a lot of stress into people’s lives. All the plans that need to be made, the juggling of schedules, the gift buying and giving, the crowded malls, the gobbling turkeys, and all those darn Santa hats.

The worst thing that happens around this time of year is that most people just drop their nutrition and workout programs. Bad nutrition… Continue reading

Powerful Food That Boost Brain Function & Increase Concentration : Brain Foods

Article by Medical Zones

We all have the ability to concentrate, yet on some days it can be difficult. People who have problems concentration can be the result of lack of energy, poor dietary choices or a side-effect of some illnesses. You can boost your brain power by feeding your brain “brain foods”.

Certain foods that offer more nutrients to to help boost concentration and protect the brain and keep it functioning optimally, as well. What you eat helps to… Continue reading