
How To Increase Your Brain Power And Stop Forgetting Things : Brain Foods

Article by Janet Martin

Having memory lapses like forgetting where you placed the car keys or missing your appointment with your hair dresser can be considered normal if they happen only occasionally. But even if such situations do not set off alarms about your brain’s health, it is far better to be able to prevent them from happening. More often than not, small memory lapses come as a result of tremendous stress or fatigue at home or at work.

Fact… Continue reading

Photographic Memory : Stop Forgetting Everything You Don’t Want to Forget With Memorization Techniques

Article by Alison Benjamin

Stop Forgetting Everything You Don’t Want to Forget With Memorization Techniques – Health

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It’s frustrating to be continuously forgetting items, continuously being required to make note of names, phone numbers and necessary details. Then even more infuriating when you forget where you have put your records. Well, memorization techniques will let you… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Stop The Memory Loss! Memory Training Is The Answer

Article by Craig Smith

Our memory is quite an unreliable storehouse of the info, its contents may change influenced by new information. Some of the events linger in our memory for a while, others fade terribly fast. On the other hand if we have recalled everything, then finally our brains would fail to discern first from the secondary and its activity would be absolutely paralyzed. That is why our memory is not just the ability to remember but also to… Continue reading

Vitamins : Two Vitamins That You Must Have To Stop Hair Loss

Article by D R Mosher

There are two vitamins that you must have and make sure you have enough of daily, if you want to minimize your hair loss. These vitamins important vitamins. To digest and absorb these vitamins you should not use antacids.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a key element to in the development of healthy cells and tissues in the body, and reducing hair loss.

to boot it works with silica and zinc to forbid drying and… Continue reading

Photographic Memory : How to Stop Memory Loss

Article by Kerry Grinkmeyer

Memory is related to individual intelligence. Intelligence is our ability to process information placed before us, come to a conclusion and make a decision based on our conclusions. In order to process information you must recall both long term and short term memory.

The average person will test out with an IQ score of 100. The most intellectual will achieve a score of 180 to 190; few have ever exceeded these numbers. As your memory deteriorates… Continue reading