
Better Brain Boosters: Natural Not Artificial Ways To Brain Strength : Brain Foods

Article by Brenda Skidmore

Most people don’t consider how hard their brain works for them every day. We are usually focused on the rest of our body and unfortunately, we do not know how to properly care for our hard working brain.

We have bitten into the assumption hook, line, and sinker ( bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry) that at some point we will lose our control of our memory as we age. A strong and sharp… Continue reading

Maximize Your Brain Power : Brain Foods

Article by Ben Jordan

Trying to find ways to boost your brain power is nothing new. As far back as history can trace, various cultures have tried different herbs and mental exercises to improve the strength of their mind. As technology and medical knowledge have advanced, the quest to maximize brain power has gone from guesswork to proven scientific methods.

Experts have found that the brain is similar to the other muscles in your body. To explain, your brain also… Continue reading