Sonic Vitamins
Brain Enhancing Technology a Sonic Vitamins Review
Change Your Life With Subliminal MP3’s! : Subliminal MP3
Article by Keith Jared
Change is the only constant thing on earth, and while changing is easy, changing for the better isn’t always the norm. Over the course of our lives, we have developed many bad habits that are a struggle to break free of. These habits hinder us from achieving the things that we truly desire in life. We want to live longer, but we smoke and overeat. We desire wealth and success, but we just cannot break out… Continue reading
Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Subliminal Mp3 : Subliminal MP3
Article by Greg Frost
There is a significant number of reports claiming that audio subliminal messages (e.g. subliminal mp3) are effective while some frowns at its deception. Some show proof through client reported results. The scientific community views these client reported result as just anecdotal.
The Greenwald, Pratkanis and Eskenazi experiment that determined the result of labels on expectation factor may be replicated using subliminal programs or any other self-help audio format. They acquired audio tapes, where subliminal mp3 can… Continue reading
Brain Vitamins Can Improve Your Cognitive Function
There are vitamins that many people take to improve the function of the brain. Before taking any of these or supplements, make sure that you consult a doctor to minimize risks and complications.
Many people try to use nutrients and supplements to repair tissue that has been damaged. Before taking any minerals, make sure that you consult a doctor because many can be harmful, especially to children. He or she will examine you thoroughly and even can advise you on… Continue reading
Brain Vitamins : 5 Necessary Brain Vitamins To Enhance Brainpower
We all want our brains to function like a well-oiled machine, but unfortunately, we don’t always do everything that we should to make sure that happens. Proper nutrition, adequate physical activity, plenty of sleep, and intellectually stimulating activities are all incredibly important to help keep your brain in tip-top shape.
Part of a sound nutritional plan for excellent brain health is making sure that you consume the proper balance of vitamins and minerals to allow your body to function efficiently.… Continue reading
Reprogram Your Subconscious With Subliminal MP3 : Subliminal MP3
Article by Greg Frost
There is much speculation on the effectiveness of subliminal mp3 and whether it can reprogram your subconscious. Though users who have found success swear by it, others, especially researchers and academicians are far from convinced. Most producers and advertisers of subliminal message showcase its success through apparently satisfied customers; however the concept of subliminal messaging through subliminal mp3 is still under constant scrutiny, especially in the scientific field.
The experiment conducted by Eskenazi, Pratkanis and Greenwald… Continue reading
Sonic Vitamins
Mind Vitamins
You can find more information about Sonic Vitamins here and how it can help you with it’s new revolutionary Brainwave Technology that enhances mind functioning.
Subliminal MP3s : Improve Health With Subliminal Mp3s – A New Breakthrough
Article by Arian David
Health is wealth. This adage is best appreciated by those whose health deteriorated due to a debilitating disease. Most people concede that health is theoretically important but ironically, in practice health is frequently neglected because staying fit and healthy requires conscious effort and expense. One needs to stay vigilant of his/her lifestyle – the diet, the fitness and exercise regimen, alcohol intake, vices like smoking, drugs, etc. Terminal ailments change people, their outlook, their priorities, their… Continue reading
Brain Vitamins : Brain Vitamins – Improve Memory & Concentration
Multivitamins when taken in a modest dose are good for the brain. They contain macronutrients like vitamins and minerals. As a person grows older, there is usually a decrease in activity and as a result the digestive system becomes less efficient. This in turn leads to a change in diet that is usually less nutritious and can lead to impaired cognitive function.
There are also many people who have dietary restrictions due to religious, medical, or personal beliefs and do… Continue reading
Brain Vitamins : Brain Vitamins – Nutrients and Herbs to Improve Memory and Mental Clarity
One of the scarier parts of getting older is the brain fog and memory loss that so many seniors seem to experience. As you age, your brain, and the blood vessels supplying it also get older. Plaque buildups, artherosclerosis and the nutritional deficiencies created by modern diets can escalate the effect of years of damage, causing senility, dementias and syndromes such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
It’s not something to look forward to in old age. But what most people… Continue reading
Boost your memory power with brain supplements or memory vitamins
Vitamins are complicated ingredients required by every human being body in a limited amount. Exactly they do not produce energy but vitamins act as causes in various body processes. Every human body demands natural supplements to maintain their health. In this world there are many natural vitamins available for various purposes such as vitamins–A, Vitamin-D and list so on. So that natural supplements are helpful foe healthy life and an excellent health. Today throughout the world cases… Continue reading
This is How Your Brain Suffers Without Vitamins
One of the significant ways in which vitamin deficiency affects the body is by impacting the cognitive function of the brain. Dementia and impaired memory can stem from improper nutrition.
Vitamin deficiency is not common among older adults in the U.S. With access to virtually any food we want, this is natural. Yet, we do naturally decline as we grow older, and that has to do with nutrients. Most often these are a declining cognitive function (e.g. memory), impaired ability… Continue reading