
What Are The Best Vitamins For Maintaining A Healthy Head Of Hair? : Vitamins

Article by World Vitamins Online

Everyone wants to look and feel their best. We use various products that help us to achieve the look that we want. Many are conscious of eating a healthy diet and getting the proper amount of exercise. Maintaining a full head of healthy looking hair is also a major part of looking good. We all realize that in the fast paced society that we live in today, while eating a healthy diet and exercising is… Continue reading

Vitamins : Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment

Article by Keaton Whitaker

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms

Vitamin B12 also known as cobalamin is essential in the body of human beings in various ways. It is known to build, maintain and enhance the functionality of DNA, RNA as well as red blood cells. This vitamin is also known to enhance the genes in the body. This means that vitamin B12 is important in the body in a way that it ensures proper functioning of the nervous system and at… Continue reading

Vitamins : Vitamins – Do They Really Help?

Article by Bertil Hjert

The word “vitamin” is derived from two words, “vital” and “amine”. Vitamins are known to be really powerful organic compounds available in little concentrations in different food sources.

Vitamins are supported to function in certain specific ways and their role is vital for the body chemistry. These can be compared to electric sparks that help in ‘running’ human motors.

Vitamins cannot be produced or even synthesized by the organism. Of Course, there are certain exceptions. The… Continue reading

Vitamins : Vitamins for health & Beauty

Article by Richard Corona

The Benefits of Vitamins for your body.

More Details at

Vitamins and minerals are mainly gained from the food, fruit and vegetables that we eat on a daily basis. In today’s modern world and unhealthy ways of eating most people do not get sufficient vitamins and for this reason there are a number of multivitamin supplements on the market. Like many other products there are dozens of different types of vitamin supplements and some are… Continue reading

Vitamins : Even Your Skin Needs to Take Vitamins

Article by Adrian

Our body needs a significant daily vitamins intake. Our skin’s health depends to on many essential vitamins. Vitamin AThis vitamin known as beta-caroten is great for your eyes. But Vitamin A is very important for the skin as well as it helps repair and protect the skin tissue. Vitamin A deficiency is immediately shown through a dry and flaky skin. Small imbalances or big drops in the optimum required amount of this vitamin will be flagged by… Continue reading

Vitamins : Guinea Pigs – the Importance of Vitamin C

Article by Bob Matthews

You and your guinea pig may have more in common than you realize. Both you and your guinea pig must have vitamin C to survive. Sadly, guinea pigs suffer many health problems that can be attributed to a vitamin C deficiency. Unlike other mammals who manufacture vitamin C from glucose in the body, you and your guinea pig both lack a particular enzyme needed to perform this process. Thus, both human and guinea pig vitamin C… Continue reading

This is How Your Brain Suffers Without Vitamins

One of the significant ways in which vitamin deficiency affects the body is by impacting the cognitive function of the brain. Dementia and impaired memory can stem from improper nutrition.

Vitamin deficiency is not common among older adults in the U.S. With access to virtually any food we want, this is natural. Yet, we do naturally decline as we grow older, and that has to do with nutrients. Most often these are a declining cognitive function (e.g. memory), impaired ability… Continue reading

Vitamins : Vitamins

Vitamins are a major necessity for a healthy life. Vitamin D may reduce the risk of injuries from falls by more than 20 percent in otherwise healthy men and women age 60 and over. Vitamin D has long been known to strengthen bones but new studies indicate it also improves muscle strength. The combination makes injuries less likely when people fall. Vitamin D is helpful whether it is consumed in fortified foods, dairy products, or supplements.

There are 13 known… Continue reading

Vitamins : The ABCs of Bodybuilding Vitamins: An Alternative Supplement

Article by sharonsky

A full-packed muscular body… that’s the physique of most bodybuilders. Theirs could be a body where “fat” is seemingly invisible. Theirs could be a body where statistics is vital.

A bodybuilder undergoes a process whereby he develops muscle fibers with weight training, increase in calorie intake and rest. Weight training isn’t solely a result of hours of sweating within the gym. There are substances which can be taken to intensify muscle build-up as well as to assist… Continue reading

Vitamins : Functionality of Vitamin A in Our Body

Article by seomul Evans

Often touted as a miracle vitamin, vitamin A is the secret to great skin, higher immunity levels and holistic growth. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that also improves eyesight, helps strengthen bones, protects the body from heart related diseases, alleviates acne and psoriasis trains, reduces wrinkles, alleviates respiratory ailments and helps improve measles and glaucoma conditions.

Procedures within the body

Retinol, which is a byproduct of vitamin A, is responsible for assisting the eyes conform… Continue reading

Vitamins : Two Vitamins That You Must Have To Stop Hair Loss

Article by D R Mosher

There are two vitamins that you must have and make sure you have enough of daily, if you want to minimize your hair loss. These vitamins important vitamins. To digest and absorb these vitamins you should not use antacids.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a key element to in the development of healthy cells and tissues in the body, and reducing hair loss.

to boot it works with silica and zinc to forbid drying and… Continue reading

Vitamins : Vitamin B12 and Your Human Body

Article by Leanne H. James

Vitamin B12 is in the Vitamin B complex. This member of Vitamin B complex contains cobalt, thus it is also renowned as cobalamin. This can be establish mainly in eggs and dairy products and meat. This vitamin is also identified as the ‘anti-stress’ vitamin.

Vitamin B12 is necessary in the formation of red blood cells. It is likewise essential for DNA replica during cell division. Vitamin B12 is too required for keeping proportion for the… Continue reading