
Short Term Memory : Ways To Improve Your Memory

Article by Mike Myers

Memory improvement is not as hard as it may seem. Many people think of the human memory as something of a still and unchanging nature. This is not the case however as memory improvement can occur in the same way that an improvement in a skill or hobby can. What is required is the simple day to day practice of well-known and effective techniques to enhance your memory.

Types of memory are two, long-term memory and… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Using Memory to Improve Grades in School

Article by Andre Thunestvedt

Just how huge is memory function in our lives? It’s more than those everyday memory challenges, like remembering your license plate number when you’re getting your tire changed. It’s more than remembering the right date for basketball tryouts. And it’s even way more than remembering your girlfriend’s telephone number.

It’s your grade point average, your GPA. The reason memory function is huge is the way it effects your grades in school. Why? Both long term and… Continue reading

How Brain Wave Entrainment and Binaural Beats Can Improve Your Life

In our daily life, it is difficult to avoid stress as stressors are everywhere. The stressors can be found in your home, school, work location or in the middle of a field. Though it is expected to experience stress as it is part of our daily life, being under severe, chronic stress can result in physical illness. Stress can contribute to high-blood pressure thus resulting in cardiac problems. This is why people with cardiac problems are always advised to remain… Continue reading

Easy Ways to Improve Your Short Term Memory

Forgetfulness can be a very challenging situation to contend with. No matter what the source of the problem is, if you are experiencing difficulty recalling important information, your life will be a great deal more problematic on the whole. Everybody has minor memory slip-ups now and then. However if it begins to lead to difficulties in your life, you have in all probability allowed it to continue for too long without endeavoring to improve the situation.

If you notice that… Continue reading

How To Improve The Short Term Memory By Using Meditation

Meditation can be a very good way to assist your entire body to loosen up. With the assistance of meditation and practice of breathing exercises your entire body will soon start to feel the anxiety being relieved.

This system enables a lot of us to be to a great extent more open minded and approachable because meditation has confirmed beneficial result on peoples mental condition.

Connection between pressure and loss of memory has long since been scientifically proven.… Continue reading

Photographic Memory : How to Keep Your Mind Sharp, Improve Your Memory and IQ, Impress Others, and Make More Money

Article by David Maillie

Everyone has seen or heard of someone with a photographic memory. We have also seen or know people afflicted with alzheimers, dementia, and low IQ’s. Why do some people have such memory power and others either never have it or are stripped of it by disease and neglect.

Studies have shown that 50% of brain power and function is genetic, and 50% is environment derived. What that means is that, yes, there are some that are… Continue reading

Photographic Memory : Smart and Proven Strategies to Improve Your Memory

Article by Carl

It is well settled that memorable memories are much easier to recall mainly because of their significance and meaning. Even our greatest heartache or greatest disappointments are harder to forget since it brings about a familiar feeling that is tough to dismiss. Still, there are so many things we need to remember in our lives and not all of them have emotional significance to us. What are the approaches to improve your memory without having to take… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Does physical fitness improve memory power?

Article by Seacod

Memory is an organism’s ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences. There are three kinds of memory. Sensory memory corresponds approximately to the initial 200–500 milliseconds after an item is perceived. The ability to look at an item, and remember what it looked like with just a second of observation, or memorization, is an example of sensory memory. Short-term memory allows recall for a period of several seconds to a minute without rehearsal. Long-term memory… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Improve Memory By Changing Your Behavior

Article by Ioan Draniciar

Many factors have influence over how well our memory function performs and one of them is behavior. There are two kinds of memories: short-term memory and long-term memory. Our behavior seems to have a major influence upon both of them.

For example, our short-term memory is affected when we meet someone new and instead of focusing on memorizing their name, we are distracted by something else or we are just too preoccupied on how we look… Continue reading

How To Improve Brain Memory – ZOX Pro : Brain Foods

Article by Alexa Meyer

The human brain is the most complex object in the universe. It contains 100 billion neurons that link to one another in a pattern more complex and unique than your fingerprint. It has the power to learn new languages, perceive beauty, and remember tens of thousands of individual bits of information; it only has to be developed. The question now is this – How to improve brain memory?Click Here For ZOX Pro Limited Free Trial!… Continue reading

Improve Your Child’s Brain Power With Jigsaw Puzzles : Brain Power

Article by Bimol

No one can deny the fact that in the contemporary life it’s extremely important to have a sharp brain, concentration skills & well-developed attention. If your brain skills are well-developed and you have good IQ confidence you’re guaranteed to be successful in your career as well as in many other spheres of life. Unquestionable, every employer wants to hire and promote the person who has the best brain characteristics. Even if a person is persistent and works… Continue reading

Brain Vitamins Can Improve Your Cognitive Function

There are vitamins that many people take to improve the function of the brain. Before taking any of these or supplements, make sure that you consult a doctor to minimize risks and complications.

Many people try to use nutrients and supplements to repair tissue that has been damaged. Before taking any minerals, make sure that you consult a doctor because many can be harmful, especially to children. He or she will examine you thoroughly and even can advise you on… Continue reading