
Short Term Memory : Memory Games: Do They Really Help you Enhance Your Memory

Article by Erik Skillern

Have you tried to say a phone number over and over again until you memorize it? Many people use this technique to retain information to their memories. However, we tend to forget the phone number after few hours or may be after one day.

This happens because you retain the phone number to the short memory rather than to the long term memory. The short term memory can be very useful for quickly remembering some information… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Five Ways to Improve Memory Free of Complexities

Article by Randy S.Jenkins

It doesn’t matter if you’re just afraid of losing your memory with age or are cramming for a big test tomorrow – you just want to improve your memory without having to resort to daily detailed mind exercises. This could be because you just want relatively simple ways to begin improving your memory performance.

Aside from regular mental exercises such as crossword puzzles (or any puzzle, really) and quizzes, here are some basic activities and habits… Continue reading

Simple Strategies To Help You Improve Your Short Term Memory : Short Term Memory

Article by Billie

Have you noticed that someone that is close to you, who has always been totally organized and on top of everything, that they suddenly seem a bit forgetful. Well, they may be suffering from short term memory loss.

Short term memory loss is a temporary condition and can be caused by a stress related problem, such as a blow to your head or a traumatic event such as a death or work related stress can cause a… Continue reading

Causes Of Short Term Memory Loss : Short Term Memory

Article by Paul Courtney

It is very easy to put short term memory loss down to old age. And say that it is but natural to start forgetting things as you age. However, while this may be true, there are several other causes of short term memory loss that should not be ignored as they could be signaling to more complex problems. For example:

Alzheimer’s disease

As our population ages the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia become more and… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : How Does Your Behavior Affect Your Memory?

Article by John MacRaay

Eight Seconds

It takes time for you to be able to fully focus attention on a thing, and transfer what you are focusing on from short-term memory to long-term.

Can you guess how long? That’s right, eight seconds.

If you are going to commit to increasing the effectiveness of your memory, you need to make a conscious effort to pay specific attention. If you negate paying special attention, then the rest of your efforts will all… Continue reading

Decreased Short Term Memory Treatment : Short Term Memory

Article by Jenifer

Many women going through perimenopause complain of forgetfulness, difficulty in concentrating, and fuzzy thinking but actually they are going through short term memory loss like loosing the end of a thought while speaking or writing, not remembering where they kept their glasses or keys, forgetting appointments or important dates.

A conventional approach to treat memory loss during perimenopause is to keep your mind active by doing cross word puzzles, brain teasers, playing memory games with kids, remembering… Continue reading

Short Term Memory And Long Term Memory : Short Term Memory

Article by Vitaly Chura

In order to improve its function the mind also need to be exercised. We know that in order to gain muscular strength we need to exercise, well the same goes for actually increasing our ability to remember things. Our brain needs exercise, as well as being nurtured. So our diet needs to be good, and you need to look at taking up much healthier habits.

Unfortunately, because our brains are so complex, they need a lot… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : How To Treat Poor Brain Power and Memory Fast And Effectively

Article by Dr Easton Patrick

Brain power and memory plays a significant role in the life of a person. As per studies, memory capacity is mainly divided into two as short term and long term. Short term memory goes off after a few seconds time period, whereas long term memory persists for prolonged period of time. Both physical as well as psychological factors play equally important roles in the formation of this health disorder. Common causes giving rise to the… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : How Do You Improve Your Memory Changing Your Behavior?

Article by Martina Kruse

New memories are formed through our behavior and it is known that memories are effected directly through our behavior. Our memories have two segments, long term and short term. Long term is the components and experiences stored from the past and how your life have evolved up to this date.

Short term memory is things that are used on a daily basis such as names,daily routines,phone numbers,new people we meet to name a few. Aging is… Continue reading

Suggestions and Tricks to Enhance Your Memory–Short Term Memory Enhance Supplement–Do They Work? : Short Term Memory

Article by Leslie Patterson

They describe it as a “blur” or how the day “went by so fast”. This is nothing a lot more than a much less than stellar memory space that can be tweaked really easily.Short Term Memory Enhance Supplement Mnemonics are really successful tool utilized by the creativity to shop large amounts of information. Not only can details be stored in huge quantities, but it is saved efficiently and quite rapidly. If you are looking for ways… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Memory Melioration

Article by Melva Lynch

Memory improvement is an accomplishment we’re all capable of. Human brain is a very complicated organ, so, as with physical improvement, improving your memory takes consistent exercise. First of all, it’s important to understand how the memory works.

The Mechanisms of Memory

Basically, memory is remembering the information that you previously acquired. There are two main types: short-term and long-term.

* Short-term memory: This information is stored for only seconds or minutes. Within this memory you… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Best Ways To Improve Your, Um….Memory

Article by Billy D Ritchie

I have had memory issues since I was eighteen, when a serious car accident, I believe, seriously affected my short term memory. I would spend the next two and a half decades able to remember what I did on a given date ten years ago, but unable to recall what I had for dinner last night or my girlfriend