Sonic Vitamins
Brain Enhancing Technology a Sonic Vitamins Review
The Best Brain Supplements : Brain Vitamin
Article by Holly Avens
What would you do if you knew that you could prevent memory loss and Alzheimers? Well it is possible to do just that with exercise, healthy eating, good sleeping habits and proper supplementation for the brain. Studies have been done that link to this result and it is amazing to think that you are in control of your own outcome, not genetics in this aspect. There are three supplements that are recommended in order to sustain… Continue reading
Save the World – Attracting Love with a Subliminal Mp3 : Subliminal MP3
Article by Arian David
I am meeting Helen for coffee in a nondescript coffee shop we used to hang out some 5 years ago. I looked around; the place did not change much except that the tiles and counters awfully need to be replaced. The ambiance is still gloomy, not so different with the way Helen felt most of the time then. The coffee shop was a haven though, as the dimly lit corners offered temporary sanctuary for her physically… Continue reading
Natural Health Therapies and Cancer – Part Five : Sonic Vitamins
Article by Jerry Ryan, Ph.D.
This article is the fifth and final installment of a series on Natural Health Therapies and Cancer. The material presented is meant to inform you of complementary cancer therapies that are available in the medical community. These therapies are to be used in cooperation with other cancer treatment methods. They are not meant to replace your physician’s care.
So far, we have discussed the basics of cancer, looked at a list of causes, reviewed the… Continue reading
Guide To Bathroom Essentials and Body Bath : Sonic Vitamins
Article by Franchis Adam
Bath Smart Good grooming and basic beauty care begin in the bathroom. Bathing can be fun, not a chore and can make you feel fresh and glowing. Personal freshness is essential for everyone. The bacteria on the skin attacking the sweat when it reaches the surface of the skin cause body odder. Perspiration odour doesn’t start until about the age of 10, when the special apocrine glands develop. These are found mainly under the arms and… Continue reading
Brain Vitamins : Brain Vitamin
Article by Ben
Excellent Brain functioning depends on proper nutrition, and getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals. Taking a multivitamin supplement can help functioning of the brain.However you can find these vitamins and minerals in their natural form in fresh fruits and vegetables.
Here are just a few examples of fruits and vegetables that were discovered to be “brain vitamins” that help improve memory functioning, increase IQ and prevent degenerative brain diseases.
1.Grape seed – rich in antioxidants… Continue reading
Neuro Beverage Brand Partners with Perez Hilton’s 2009 North American Tour : Sonic Vitamins
Article by Adam Harper
Neuro Brands, LLC is proud to present Neuro, the new line of groundbreaking nutritional, healthy and low-calorie beverages that promote health and well-being, as the official title sponsor for the 2009 Perez Hilton Presents North American Tour, kicking off September 10, 2009, in Atlanta, Georgia.
Neuro, founded by Diana Jenkins, will be providing its beverages for audiences and Perez Hilton’s rotating line-up of musical acts as they venture on a 17-show, two-month tour across North… Continue reading
5 Necessary Brain Vitamins To Enhance Brainpower : Brain Vitamin
Article by Kevin Green
We all want our brains to function like a well-oiled machine, but unfortunately, we dont always do everything that we should to make sure that happens. Proper nutrition, adequate physical activity, plenty of sleep, and intellectually stimulating activities are all incredibly important to help keep your brain in tip-top shape.
Part of a sound nutritional plan for excellent brain health is making sure that you consume the proper balance of vitamins and minerals to allow your… Continue reading
Senior citizens and their families benefit from Medical Alert Systems and Monitoring services. : Sonic Vitamins
Article by J.P. Coleman
America has a large and healthy senior citizen population that is getting bigger by the day. Yes, the baby boomers are arriving as the senior (sonic) boom. Living independently is the most desirable “hope” for almost all of these proud American seniors and their families. Assisted living is expensive, limited, and not entirely trusted. But leaving grandmother in her own home alone raises anxiety to the entire family. What if she gets sick or a fire… Continue reading
A Review On Clarisonic Opal : Sonic Vitamins
Article by Oscar Platikus
Most facial care products focus mainly in cleansing the cheek part of our face. What it frequently neglects is cleansing the skin immediately surrounding our pair of eyes. This could be a horrible mistake. Because the skin around our eyes are just as exposed to dust, dirt, and sun as the other parts of our face, that too, should be intentionally and regularly cleaned. We do not want to end up leaving that part of our… Continue reading
Mario Games : Sonic Vitamins
Article by Amrit
Mario a popular video game character created by the company Nintendo, and he is also the hero of numerous video games. He is Nintendo’s mascot[1] and the protagonist of the company’s most successful video game series. The character, except for some games, only appears on Nintendo’s consoles. With over 193 million units sold, Mario is not only Nintendo’s most successful franchise, but the most successful video game series of all time.[2] Furthermore, Mario is considered the most… Continue reading
Vitamin B12 Used in Quantum Brain Healing For Depression, Brain Fog, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s
Quantum Brain Healing uses vitamin B12 is as a way to improve your brain in several ways. Vitamin B12 is involved in DNA synthesis, fatty acid synthesis and helps break down carbohydrates and covert them into energy. It is used by the body to help make several amino acids, including SAME. These amino acids are found to change brain chemistry and neurotransmitter levels. The neurotransmitters affected by Vitamin B12 directly are involved in learning skills and memory. Vitamin B12… Continue reading