
How to Improve the Brain Power Simple Techniques : Brain Power

Article by Jamie Starr

There is a popular notion that our life is just a set of different challenges. If this is the case, we have to be always ready on what our life is in store for us. We have to learn therefore to improve our brain power.

You do not need to be super intelligent like Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein for you to be able to use your brain better for there are some simple techniques that… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Using Vitamins to Improve Your Memory

Article by Martin Mak

Can vitamins help you improve your memory? An Australian study has found that older folks who took vitamin B12 and folic acid (vitamin B9) supplements for two years had greater improvements on short and long term memory tests compared to adults who did not.

Though the results were modest, they were certainly encouraging according to Dr Janine Walker, a researcher of Australian National University and one of the authors of the study published in the American… Continue reading

How Do You Improve Memory Making Simple Behavioral Modifications? : Memory Exercises

Article by William T. Morgan

Improve your memory by making a few there simply changes in your behavior. Creating a brain healthy lifestyle can substantially improve brain function, and improve your memory. Modifying your behavior you can also reduce the risk of age-related memory loss.

Everyone experiences memory lapses; we sometimes call them senior moments. If you are experiencing memory loss and becoming noticeably forgetful. It is encouraging to know that you have the power to minimize its severity. As… Continue reading

Brain Foods : What Mind Exercises Could i Do To Improve My Focus

Article by John Oxnard

When you want to strengthen your muscles, you lift weights. In order to boost the concentration and focus within your mentality, then you should train your brain. Whether it be having brain food or using brain games, exercising your brain is equally crucial as exercising the body . The correct brain training will increase the way in which your brain operates and build better focus and concentration.

With time we may lose the ability to concentrate,… Continue reading

6 Tips On How To Improve The Memory : Memory Exercises

Article by Paul Rogers

Poor memory is more often than not caused by poor recollection. Imagine surprising your loved one by remembering something that he or she couldn’t possibly think that you would. The rationale why you should learn these memory improving tips and tricks is because you will never boost your memory if you don’t know how to improve memory. though we all have different brain functionality, everybody has an equal chance of improving how well their brain can… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : How Does One Improve Memory Just Altering Your Own Conduct?

Article by Orlando O.

How Can You Improve Memory?

Now, how do you improve memory capacity? Nicely, did you realize that it’s your own behavior which sometimes impacts precisely how well you’re able to type new reminiscences? The phrase reminiscences not only describes remembrances from the previous referred to as your long-term memory, additionally, it alludes to your personal short-term memory. Your own short-term memory is the place you’ll keep facts similar to cell phone numbers, record, names, dates, and… Continue reading

Games to Improve Memory for Greater Recall : Memory Exercises

Article by Tyler Buchanan

Among the best methods for improving memory is playing games that enhance the memory and by doing activities that exercise the memory. Improve memory games and activities of this type are available and can be practices each day to improve memory without exhausting yourself.

Mental exercises can be performed as you go through your day. Many have made the comparison of the brain to a muscle that can be exercised for increased mental strength when using… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Five Ways to Improve Memory Free of Complexities

Article by Randy S.Jenkins

It doesn’t matter if you’re just afraid of losing your memory with age or are cramming for a big test tomorrow – you just want to improve your memory without having to resort to daily detailed mind exercises. This could be because you just want relatively simple ways to begin improving your memory performance.

Aside from regular mental exercises such as crossword puzzles (or any puzzle, really) and quizzes, here are some basic activities and habits… Continue reading

Simple Strategies To Help You Improve Your Short Term Memory : Short Term Memory

Article by Billie

Have you noticed that someone that is close to you, who has always been totally organized and on top of everything, that they suddenly seem a bit forgetful. Well, they may be suffering from short term memory loss.

Short term memory loss is a temporary condition and can be caused by a stress related problem, such as a blow to your head or a traumatic event such as a death or work related stress can cause a… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : How Do You Improve Your Memory Changing Your Behavior?

Article by Martina Kruse

New memories are formed through our behavior and it is known that memories are effected directly through our behavior. Our memories have two segments, long term and short term. Long term is the components and experiences stored from the past and how your life have evolved up to this date.

Short term memory is things that are used on a daily basis such as names,daily routines,phone numbers,new people we meet to name a few. Aging is… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Best Ways To Improve Your, Um….Memory

Article by Billy D Ritchie

I have had memory issues since I was eighteen, when a serious car accident, I believe, seriously affected my short term memory. I would spend the next two and a half decades able to remember what I did on a given date ten years ago, but unable to recall what I had for dinner last night or my girlfriend

Short Term Memory : Memory Foods – The Diet That Will Improve Your Memory

Article by Jamie Starr

Any activity that is related with our mind pertains to memory and the activity involves recalling of any information that is learned or experienced. Our memory can either be long term or short term. It is said to be long term memory if the information are retained for a long period of time. For the short term memory, the information will stay in your mind within minutes or even with a few seconds.Aside from regular brain… Continue reading