
How To Overcome Anxiety By Changing The Food You Eat : Brain Foods

It is important to find out how to overcome anxiety, which is an undesirable and sometimes unjustified emotional state that causes fear, nervousness and worrying in mild circumstances and can lead to downright panic attacks in severe cases. Needless to say, bad cases of anxiety can have a serious effect on everyday life and can prevent persons from leading normal lives.

Anxiety is a problem with the nervous system and starts in the brain and symptoms may spread to other… Continue reading

Food for Thought: Brain Nutrition

Evolutionarily speaking, human beings are designed to consume a much more nutritional diet than the vast majority of modern humans enjoy. This should lead us to wonder what we might be missing out on, what aspects of our body’s normal functioning aren’t operating as they should be? Recent research has led many scientists to argue that our modern diet is leaving us shortchanged, particularly when it comes to optimum brain functioning.

Research has shown that getting just the right amount… Continue reading

Good Mood Food : Brain Foods

Article by Mike Sweeney

We now know that regular exercise can affect your mood, increase your energy and increase confidence. In fact a recent study published in the Journal of Psychology, Health & Medicine found just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise generates the most psychological benefit including increased positivity, increase relaxation and enhanced energy levels of participants.

But what about the effects of food?

The Truth about Fat

With the benefits of exercise well established, have we forgotten about the… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Super Food for your Memory Loss!

Article by Andy Vega

Super Food for your Memory Loss! – Health – Nutrition

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Short term memory loss is a fact of life as we get older. Is there anything that can be done to help? There are some foods that have been proven to boost brainpower.

Organic Rosemary

Rosemary contains a wealth of antioxidant phytonutrients,… Continue reading

Food For Your Brain Health

In order to have the freedom to live out your plans and dreams for the future, you need to stay strong, healthy, and empowered. Critical to this is the health of your brain.

Some areas where you can make changes to optimize your brain are with food and supplements, physical exercise, sleep, our emotional state, brain stimulation, and the importance of living on purpose.

In this article I’m focusing on the major difference food can make on your brain health.… Continue reading

Mood and Food- What foods can improve it? : Brain Foods

Article by Jason Yun

Halloween is about up. Which means the Holiday season pretty much here. The Holidays tend to bring a lot of stress into people’s lives. All the plans that need to be made, the juggling of schedules, the gift buying and giving, the crowded malls, the gobbling turkeys, and all those darn Santa hats.

The worst thing that happens around this time of year is that most people just drop their nutrition and workout programs. Bad nutrition… Continue reading

Memory boosting food tips : Brain Foods

Article by woman and home

Improve your memory with some brain boosting food. From salmon to tofu, Woman and home magazine gives you the lowdown on what to eat to make your memory sharper. The right food can dramatically improve your memory

Brilliant memory booster foods Oil-rich fish, such as salmon, trout, mackerel, fresh tuna, not tinned o Olive oil oSoya products, such as soya milk, yogurt, tofu o Lean meat o Pulses, such as lentils and beans o Fresh… Continue reading

Your Brain Signals to Your Body It Needs Food : Brain Foods

Article by Marquis Van De Mark

It’s the cells in the brain from the hypothalamus gland that regulates when you should eat and not your stomach scientists have discovered. Food will trigger your brain to remember the way food tastes, smells and will excite chemicals in the brain to eat.

When the body needs food or nourishment, neurotransmitters are released.One neurotransmitter called Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is important in sending messages to various parts of the brain.

Ghrelin and glucose: According… Continue reading

Fish Food for Thought : Brain Foods

Article by Simon Evans

Copyright (c) 2006 The Brain Code LLC

Have you heard about omega-3s? You may have seen headlines in the New York Times or CNN touting their benefits. Maybe you have seen them highlighted on cereal boxes and other food products. What are they and why is it such a big deal?

The fat brain

Omega-3s are one type of Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acid or PUFA that are incredibly important for your heart and brain. In fact, your… Continue reading

Foods That Improve Memory – Healthy Food For a Healthy Mind : Brain Foods

Article by David Gimmer

Through your life you have probably heard the term “brain food”, suggesting that there are certain types of foods that can help your brain function. This is all very true! Studies have shown certain foods can increase your brain function and enhance your memory as well. So lets take a look at some foods that improve memory and discuss what it is about them that helps you retain more information.

So what foods improve memory?

Fatty… Continue reading

How to Improve Your Memory With Better Food Choices : Brain Foods

Article by John MacRaay

Good Food, Good for Your Brain.

The food you eat shouldn’t be chosen based on how it tastes to your tongue. The food you eat has a huge bearing on how well your mind and body function. When you were younger, and your parents were constantly telling you to eat your greens, well, they were on to something.

The first step to a healthier memory and a healthier mind is to pay heed to your parents… Continue reading

Food and Vitamins for Brain Health : Brain Foods

Article by Carole Gayle

Is your brain not as sharp as it once was? Do you have trouble remember things, or retaining information? Or maybe the problem is more in line with Attention Deficit Disorder, or related childhood brain issues. Brain health is something that should be taken seriously. While you don’t often think about brain health when everything is working smoothly, it certainly gets your attention when it is not. Here are some food supplements for the brain that… Continue reading