
Become Smarter with Food – Nutrition : Brain Foods

Article by Jeremy Wong

This is a continuation from Eating to your Smartness – Part 1, part of a series of articles about increasing your intelligence and becoming smarter through foods, so visit my blog (link below) if you haven’t read it.

To recap, I spoke about the overall benefits of eating well and of the importance of drinking water properly in part 1, and spoke about how to increase the brain’s abilities with oxygen in part 2. Now, I… Continue reading

Omega 3 DHA Fatty acids – The Brain Food : Brain Foods

Article by Gordon Hall

It is true, the Omega 3 DHA fatty acid is brain food. The DHA nourishes our brain, allowing it to rebuild dead brain cells and maintain it’s health. The brain is comprised of some sixty per cent fat. Of these, twenty grams are DHA fatty acids.

The brain uses vast amounts of DHA to help us keep our sanity. The concentration of DHA in the brain is higher than in any other organ. If the DHA… Continue reading

Hygienic Food and Drinks : Brain Foods

Article by Wazir Singh

Your brains perform more tasks than any other of your organs put together. To do this it requires vast amounts of energy and nutrients making it the greediest organ in the body. It is important that the right foods are eaten so that your brain can perform at its optimal level. As you age in years, both your body and your brain grow old as well. Preventative action now can help preserve your mind for longer… Continue reading

Eat More Legumes Benefit From Fetal Brain : Brain Foods

Article by hi joiney

Pregnant women to eat in moderation Beans Product Beans is an important brain Food If pregnant women eat more beans, it will be very useful fetal brain. This is due to contain 40% soy protein, natural food highest protein content of food. The amino acid composition close to human needs, the more the lack of protein and rich in lysine cereal, cereal proteins are complementary and the ideal natural food. Soybeans containing 15% fat, of which… Continue reading

Quality Food for Mental Performance : Brain Foods

Article by Carole Gayle

There are foods that definitely nourish the brain and then there are foods that can actually negatively affect brain capability. Do you understand which promote a strong brain and which do not? The following is a list of foods to help you in seeking out positive foods to sharpen concentration, sharpen memory and possibly ward off brain aging – among a great many other health advantages.

The food categories are listed by proteins, carbs and fats… Continue reading

Powerful Food That Boost Brain Function & Increase Concentration : Brain Foods

Article by Medical Zones

We all have the ability to concentrate, yet on some days it can be difficult. People who have problems concentration can be the result of lack of energy, poor dietary choices or a side-effect of some illnesses. You can boost your brain power by feeding your brain “brain foods”.

Certain foods that offer more nutrients to to help boost concentration and protect the brain and keep it functioning optimally, as well. What you eat helps to… Continue reading

Spinach As Brain Food: He Was Actually Popeye The Memory Man : Brain Foods

Article by Z.N. Catex

That spinach Popeye slugged down at the end of every cartoon was actually doing more than giving him bizarrely muscular forearms. If recent research involving the anti-aging properties of spinach is right, he must have had one helluva memory.

A 2008 study of more than 3,500 Chicago-area senior citizens showed that eating at least 2.8 servings of vegetables a day can slow the rate of cognitive decline by as much as 40% – making the rate… Continue reading

Omega-3 ba brain food ads pulled in UK : Brain Foods

Article by White Digital Media

Magazine adverts for follow-on formula containing prebiotic and omega-3s are in hot water in the UK due to making brain health claims unauthorised by the European Union Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation (NHCR).

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) admonished the UK firm, HiPP Organic, that its ads must be changed due to omega-3-infant development claims not being adopted into EU law even though they had won positive opinions from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).… Continue reading

Fish Is Brain Food. Eat Fish for Brain Improvement and Memory Improvement : Brain Foods

Article by Peter Leigh

Many people are aware of the health benefits of increasing your intake of the Omega 3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA. But fewer people are aware of the strong links between Omega 3 and brain function, or in other words how to improve brain function and memory, combat ADD or ADHD or improve emotional disorders like depression.

Many scientists consider that the crucial link between early human beings like the Neanderthal, and modern human beings… Continue reading

Nutrition Brain Food : Brain Foods

Article by Janet Walker

My brain is very important to me and i assume to you to, meaning your brain to mine. Since we age, which is out of our control, both our bodies and our brains grow old also. However by realising smart food choices, we can preserve our treasured gray matter for longer and improve our brain function. Below are a few brainy choices for keeping our brains in good shape.

Blueberries have been revealed to shield the… Continue reading

DHA Omega3 – The Brain Food : Brain Foods

Article by Gordon P Hall

Literally thousands of new people from all walks of life are turning to the natural healing nutrients that are DHA Omega3. These people have learned of the importance of taking a daily supplement of Omega3 and adding it to their health regime. If you read on, I will tell you why they call this remarkable oil, the brain food.

You see, DHA Omega3 is used in huge amounts by our brain. The brain is comprised… Continue reading

Brain Food For Mental Growth : Brain Foods

Article by Edward Johnson

There are many brain foods you can consume to aid in mental growth. By consuming these foods, you will be in a fantastic position to achieve what you really want out of life, and to achieve the mental success you truly want. We explore more below.

Eat Smaller Meals Per Day

Smaller meals means a more constant supply of nutrients which will allow you to have a good source of energy for your brain. This meansenhanced… Continue reading