Sonic Vitamins
Brain Enhancing Technology a Sonic Vitamins Review
Brain Vitamins : Brain Vitamins – How Do They Prevent Cognitive Decline?
The natural foods we ingest contain a lot of ingredients that keep the brain healthy and our memories sharp and lucid. Many of the vitamins we consume have a protective and maintenance function in the brain. Some of these functions include:
Antioxidant effect:
Brain cells are constantly producing free radicals as a byproduct of metabolic processes. Antioxidants like Vitamin E, C, and glutathione get rid of these free radicals before they end up causing too much damage to the brain.… Continue reading
Brain Health And Omega Three Fish Oil : Brain Foods
Article by Larry Jensen
So much has been said about Omega 3 Fatty Acids being good for the heart. And it is true – it is an essential supplement for heart health beyond a doubt. But – do you know what it doe’s for the brain or what it doe’s for the infant of an expectant mother? Read on to learn more about this most essential supplement.Your brain needs adequate levels of DHA to repair and rebuild cells. Fish harbor… Continue reading
Brain Training
Give your brain a real workout with highly effective Brain Training
Want to boost your brain power, increase your stamina and unlock the real potential that is hidden within your grey matter? Have you tried Brain Training at all to give your brain a regular workout in four varied modules? You might feel like you are underachieving at the moment or are worried because your memory isn’t quite what it used to be.The humdrum of everyday life might be zapping… Continue reading
Increase Brain Power With Brainwave Entrainment : Brain Power
Article by Gregory Frost
Imagine if you will that the brain is like a stereo system, and you have inside, some of the best and most exciting music in the world. The only problem is that the volume knob is stuck at 4 out of ten and there is nothing you can do to change it. This is the same state the brain is in, it is stuck at a very low volume and for the longest time, there seems… Continue reading
Brain Foods : Brain Foods and Memory
Here’s the scoop on brain foods. Like you, I’ve always heard that certain brain foods can help you think better and improve memory. But I was never quite sure which foods to eat.
Well, after doing lots of reading, I found some answers. It turns out there are several types of foods that can protect your brain, improve how well it works, and even build new brain cells.
First, let me clear up a common myth: yes, you can grow… Continue reading
Get More Brain Power : Brain Power
Article by Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Franks
Secrets to Improve Memory – Train Your Brain To RememberAre these lines becoming more and more familiar? What did you mean you forgot? or Honey, have you seen my glasses? or You look familiar, have we met? or “Forgot password?” Then you need to improve your memory. Do not be alarmed simple forgetfulness, is a part of the aging. However, do not let yourself be defeated, fight memory loss using the tips outlined in… Continue reading
Brain Entrainment With Binaural Beats
Do you know that you can experience a number of altered states with just your headphones?
You may not have heard of binaural beats, but they have been around for a long time. Recently, with the technology that we have today, we are able to purchase or even create ourselves, CD’s with binaural beats on them that generate different brainwave frequencies. These frequencies sync the right and left hemispheres of the brain to a frequency selected between less that one… Continue reading
How to Increase Your Brain Memory : Brain Foods
Article by Dr. Mital John
My six year old son is obsessed with the brain and intelligence. Passed asking me to show you pictures and you read books of the brain. When you do not want your vegetables, just tell that the plants will make it more intelligent, that will eat them.
The truth is I do not blame them; the brain and intelligence are very interesting topics. So, with special dedication to my boy, here I will put 8… Continue reading
3 Foods To Boost Your Brain Power : Brain Power
Article by Frances Cheung
Have you ever had a deadline to reach, and found that you just couldn’t stay focused on your tasks, no matter how urgent the deadline? Or ever get into a conversation with someone, maybe someone you’re trying to impress, and find yourself at a loss for comments, witty remarks, or being able to engage in dialogue?
The foods that you’re eating (or not eating) could have a lot to do with your brain power function, and… Continue reading
Brain Vitamins : What Are Brain Vitamins and How Do They Increase Memory Retention?
One of the most complex organs in the body, the brain requires plenty of nutrition and nourishment for good health, proper functioning as well as long life. To provide ‘fuel’ to the brain one must take brain vitamins for not only boosting brain metabolism but also to protect against age-related memory loss.
As we grow old our memories begin to fade. We no longer remember the small details of our past and some people even lose connection with their past.… Continue reading
The Dana Guide to Brain Health: A Practical Family Reference From Medical Experts. Book Review. : Brain Foods
Article by Alvaro Fernandez
Copyright (c) 2008 SharpBrains
Dana Press kindly sent us a couple of books. One of them, The Dana Guide to Brain Health: A Practical Family Reference From Medical Experts, is our topic today.
We are impressed by what Dana is doing to insert neuroscience findings and implications into the public discourse.
No big surprise then, to find out so much quality content inside a 700-page one-of-a-kind guide.
The guide is really 4 books inside a common… Continue reading
Brain Food – Not!
Being bombarded with media, it is impossible not to know which kinds of food are bad for us. But still, we keep taking or ingesting them in the hopes that all those bad effects would go away. But perhaps, it is nice to be reminded of why they are considered bad in the first place to gain consciousness about these things and hopefully stop taking them. It’s for our own good anyway.
We all know that alcohol, when taken in… Continue reading