Sonic Vitamins
Brain Enhancing Technology a Sonic Vitamins Review
Subliminal Mp3s Review : Subliminal MP3
Article by Rex
With such a fast pace of life, I bet everyone has psychological blockades in mind and want to tackle it to improve life quality. In fact, it really takes a lot to change your belief, the way of thinking, and the patterns of behavior.Currently, I heard much about the package of free subliminal mp3s that can be downloaded online. And everyone is talking highly of it. At first, I am not sure whether it is right. Then… Continue reading
How a Subliminal MP3 Can Change Your Life : Subliminal MP3
Article by Gregory Frost
We all know what an Mp3 is. It is the music file format that revolutionised the world of digital music and it can be seen everywhere. It is also the most favoured format for audiophiles all over the world and for good reason. For its tiny size (more or less 3 megabytes for a song), it can pack in a high quality CD track. This means that a normal CD of 1 to 15 tracks will… Continue reading
Losing weight with subliminal mp3s : Subliminal MP3
Article by S Quinn
Many people are finding it hard to lose weight and keep their weight down. They try new diets, new exercise programs, new diet pills. However, they neglect to try and change the way they think about food and exercise. How you think about food can have a dramatic effect on your weight.
Just think about it now. Do you often think of pigging out on junk food? Are you constantly thinking and worried about your weight?… Continue reading
Article by Joe Kohler
Based on a true story by Joe Kohler
The view from the ambulance window began to focus. She could perceive scenery flashing by and hear the wail of the siren. She was lucky. A co-worker realized immediately what happened when she toppled sideways and struggled grotesquely to get up. Things are not so upbeat for Vicki. Her extra pounds have closed the gap to hypertension. Extra pounds have led her to… Continue reading
Benefits Of Vitamin B 6 : Brain Vitamin
Article by Adrienne F. Manson
Vitamin B6 is a vital nutrient which is responsible for the proper function of sixty enzymes within our bodies. Vitamin B6 contributes in the manufacturing of serotonin, which is a chemical within our brain. Vitamin B6 also plays a major part in the production of hemoglobin and cells within our immune system.
Vitamin B6 also is involved in the process of breaking down carbohydrates, and processing it to be turned into energy for our daily… Continue reading
Subliminal Mp3s – What are they and do they work? : Subliminal MP3
Article by Patrick Fitz-Gibbon
There has been lots controversy recently on the topic of subliminal messages and there is still a lot of mystery around the subject.
Subliminal messages are a form of mild self hypnosis that works by sending positive affirmations into you sub conscious mind. You will not actually hear the subliminal message and you are not supposed to. You see 10% of your brain is made up of the conscious mind and the rest is sub conscious.… Continue reading
Vitamin to Optimize Brain Function and Prevent Memory Loss : Brain Vitamin
Article by Healthy_Woman
Many people worry about loss of memory as they become older. As we get older our brain start to degenerate which can result decrease in memory and cognitive function. However, memory loss not only occur in older people but it can occur to anyone.
One of the best things you can do to optimize brain function and prevent memory loss by taking brain vitamin supplements. Here are some types of vitamins that can protect and enhance your… Continue reading
What Can Subliminal MP3 Actually Do : Subliminal MP3
Article by Greg Frost
What is Subliminal MP3? Well, the word subliminal refers to operations which take place below the conscious or awareness level of the brain but are immediately registered and processed by the subconscious level. After many scientific studies, it has been concluded that the left side of the brain is the seat of analysis, reasoning, and the center of resistance. On the other hand, the right side of the brain is often referred to as the creative… Continue reading
Natural Brain Boosters : Brain Vitamin
Article by Carole Gayle
We are what we eat. So, what does this mean? Well, for one, the foods that we eat can affect our overall health, including the function of our brain. In this article, I will present the best foods for brain function.
How the brain functions depends on the nutrition it receives, which means on the need to choose the foods we ingest. Herbs have been shown to help enhance our brain
Do Subliminal Mp3s Work : Subliminal MP3
Article by Rex
With such a fast pace of life, I think everyone has psychological blockades in mind and want to get rid of it to improve life quality. In fact, it is really hard to change your self belief, the way of thinking, and the patterns of behavior.Recently, I heard a lot about the package of free subliminal mp3s that can be downloaded online. And everyone is talking highly of it. And at first, I am not sure whether… Continue reading
How To Purchase Subliminal Mp3 Online : Subliminal MP3
Article by Greg Frost
The internet has changed the way business is carried on nowadays; purchasing anything on the cyberspace is as easy as walking into an onsite shop outlet. It is also very important to purchase items from good reputable sites. Your ability in finding these sites will generally determine the kind of experience you have at the end of the day. Most online shops have simple purchasing aids, for instance should you be interested in purchasing a subliminal… Continue reading