Sonic Vitamins
Brain Enhancing Technology a Sonic Vitamins Review
Brain Power Makes A Strong Nation : Brain Power
Article by melvin polatnick
Talent scouts are constantly searching college campuses for athletic talent. They have the expertise to understand who is potentially great. Becoming a winning team depends not only its athletes but on those who have recruited them.American companies also have talent scouts. But they are not looking for future sports stars only students that possess the brains to enrich their company. This search is not limited to the United States but it takes place worldwide.Immigrants run nearly… Continue reading
Brain Power : Boost Brain Power Using Safe and Natural Techniques You Can Do Yourself
There are a number of natural ways to boost brain power on your own. With a little time each day and some dedication you may be able to strengthen your memory and cognitive function while actually slowing down the aging process of your brain.
We all know that our bodies need exercise or at least activity in order to stay healthy. The less we use our muscles, etc. the less effective they tend to be. The same is true for… Continue reading
Boosting Your Brain Power with Brainwave Entrainment : Brain Power
Article by Greg Frost
The one common problem most people have is memory retention. Most people tend to forget what they have learned or been told to remember within a short period of time. This is one of the problems facing people in this day and age. There is not enough brain power to go around and some of us are wondering that in the process of evolution, whether or not we were short changed in the first place. This… Continue reading
Brain Power Memory: How to Maximize its Full Potential : Brain Power
Article by Ewin Chia
There are a few lucky ones bestowed with supernatural brain power memory – an amazing ability to memorize information at an extraordinary rate, sometimes even be able to memorize entire books after only reading it for a few hours. You can imagine how easily they can ace a test and graduate through high school and college, for memorization is no problem to them.
Majority of us, however, have problems with memorization and attentiveness. School can spell… Continue reading
Brain Vitamins : Brain Vitamins – Nutrients and Herbs to Improve Memory and Mental Clarity
One of the scarier parts of getting older is the brain fog and memory loss that so many seniors seem to experience. As you age, your brain, and the blood vessels supplying it also get older. Plaque buildups, artherosclerosis and the nutritional deficiencies created by modern diets can escalate the effect of years of damage, causing senility, dementias and syndromes such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
It’s not something to look forward to in old age. But what most people… Continue reading
Mental Health Article : Brain Foods
Article by Keith A Sei
Habits to Keep the Brain Healthy:
The brain is considered as the central processing unit of the human body. It is the main organ that controls the rest of the bodily parts. And since the brain is like a muscle, it needs to be exercised regularly in order for it to stay in optimum condition.
It’s true that every organ in the body has an important role to play, but besides the heart, the brain… Continue reading
Brain Power : Have You Ever Felt Slow or Mentally Exhausted? Learn How to Increase Brain Power Beyond the Average
Everyday life becomes more and more complicated as we advance technologically. Just managing all the social platforms these days can be taxing on the brain and leave you exhausted. The majority of us suffer from information overload, and it only gets worse as we age. Focusing becomes difficult, energy dwindles, and our memory fades away without us even knowing.
I like to break brain power up into 4 important categories.
1) Memory/Recall – Memory and Recall is the brain’s ability… Continue reading
Boost Your Brain Power With Subliminal Messaging : Brain Power
Article by Gregory Frost
What is subliminal messaging? In a nutshell, it is a signal, designed as a message or instruction that is embedded or incurred in another medium. This medium is usually auditory in nature and together, as a single package, they pass either above or below the normal limits of the conscious mind – the awareness and perception that we all experience in our daily lives. When you do look at it, the idea of these subliminal messaging… Continue reading
Healthy : Nutrition to help you stay focused : Brain Foods
Article by quadhealthy
To help you stay focused, you need a diet rich in iron, B vitamins folate, complex carbohydrates and essential fatty acids because brain cells require twice the energy of the other cells in the body. Proper nutrition is very important for maintaining brain function and mental abilities, such as focus, memory and concentration.
Nutrients needed by brain cells :
Iron The relationship between the level of iron in the body and the brain’s ability to focus first… Continue reading
Brain Foods : Brain Food Diets Make a Person Smarter – Myth Or Fact?
The idea that eating certain “brain foods” such as fish and eggs could make a person smarter has been in existence for centuries. Unlike most miracle-food rumors, these claims have some basis in fact.
Fish, for example, especially salt-water fish, is a good source of iodine. Before iodine was routinely added to salt, many people who lived inland lacked this mineral in their diets. This often caused a condition called goiter, where the thyroid gland enlarges and production of the… Continue reading
Edible Gardens in Sacramento Schools : Brain Foods
Article by Patricia Hawke
Alice Waters, a renown celebrity chef, made a visit to Sacramentos Schools in California to push the schools to go green and serve locally grown food in their schools. This would stimulate Sacramentos economy by having the schools districts purchase food and supplies from Sacramentos farmers markets. They are also in the talks of implementing edible gardens into each school.
The nations elementary schools are known to serve the lowest health food out of all schools.… Continue reading
5 More Games to Improve Your Brain Power : Brain Power
Article by Garry Wynters
Games provide an excellent and fun way to improve your brainpower; if these games are played on a regular basis they will undoubtedly improve your concentration, memory and increase brain performance. Regularly playing brain games can also increase other mental abilities, such as mental processing speed, cognitive control, and reaction time.
It is a well-documented fact that the human brain starts to slow down as early as 30 years of age. But by spending as little… Continue reading