Sonic Vitamins
Brain Enhancing Technology a Sonic Vitamins Review
Do Aphrodisiac Foods Exist : Brain Vitamin
Article by Kadence Buchanan
Many of us have heard that sea-food excite the human senses or that walnuts and honey are the best aphrodisiac. But do certain types of food affect the human erotic impulse? Can specific food categories be the cause of the increase or decrease of male or female libido? Is there any scientific evidence that suggests some types of foods can help the sex life of today’s individuals, or all these are just a legend that goes… Continue reading
How to Enhance Your Memory? : Brain Vitamin
Article by Jack Ronald
The brain is the centre and focal point of our whole body. It is the mainframe and the central processing unit of all our activities, thoughts, works, emotions and actions. Being such a vital component of the body, it is also complex organ and is the organ that is least understood in the human body. Even in this scientifically and technologically advanced world, there are a lot of things about the brain that have been a… Continue reading
How to Enhance Your Memory? : Brain Vitamin
Article by Jack Ronald
The brain is the centre and focal point of our whole body. It is the mainframe and the central processing unit of all our activities, thoughts, works, emotions and actions. Being such a vital component of the body, it is also complex organ and is the organ that is least understood in the human body. Even in this scientifically and technologically advanced world, there are a lot of things about the brain that have been a… Continue reading
Do Aphrodisiac Foods Exist : Brain Vitamin
Article by Nicole Lerman
Many of us have heard that sea-food excite the human senses or that walnuts and honey are the most effective aphrodisiac. But do certain kinds of meals affect the human erotic impulse? Can specific meals classes be the cause of the rise or lower of male or female libido? Is there any scientific proof that suggests some sorts of meals may help the sex life of today’s individuals, or all these are just a legend that… Continue reading
Just What is Glaucoma and What Are the Symptoms? : Brain Vitamin
Article by David Cowley
You may already know that glaucoma is a disease of the eye that is very serious, but if you’re unsure of just what the disease actually is and what the symptoms are to look for, you’re not alone. As serious as this eye disease is, many people simply are unaware of the symptoms or even what it means to have glaucoma. Since it is something that can lead to loss of peripheral vision and even blindness,… Continue reading
The Attention Deficit Epidemic : Brain Vitamin
Article by Fresh Earth
The Attention Deficit Epidemic
Human beings are master learners – one of our definitive traits. The brain is made of specialised nerve cells, called neurones, that communicate with each other to form the process of thought itself. The brain is constantly restructuring itself and learning by forming new nerve pathways. A healthy new-born baby will form over half its learning pathways between ages one and five years. The number of nerve cells do not increase after… Continue reading
You Need to know How to Improve Memory and Contentration : Brain Vitamin
Article by Robert Mathew
It is a fact that memory power reduces with aging. The fact remains that memory power which is in receding trend as we grow old, can be restricted by applying proper nutrition and memory exercise. Vegetable juices and fruit juices particularly loaded in vitamins and minerals, if taken regularly, can positively facilitate the brain and memory power improvement. We should remember and be cautious against insufficient/poor nutrition because this would create a lot many unstable unbalanced… Continue reading
Improve Memory For A Better Life : Brain Vitamin
Article by Woolley Thomas
We have quite often heard that memory fades with age, but if there is a scope to improve memory why not make the most of it. Memory improvement techniques work to a great extent. There are websites that offer free advice and help in this area.
Brain Boosting Vitamins
A healthy brain guarantees a good memory. If you are well stocked on the necessary vitamins, you are sure to have a sharp brain.
* Vitamin B… Continue reading
Eight Foods Enhance Your Memory : Brain Vitamin
Article by Xueqin Wang
According to the medical research, foods are the essential materials for people to maintain the physiological activities and the normal functions of brain. Some foods can effectively accelerate the intelligent development and improve the creativity of your brain. These foods mainly include milk, eggs, fish, monosodium glutamate, peanut, corn, chili and spinach.
Milk contains protein, calcium, vitamin B1 and amino acids needed by your brain. Calcium in milk can be easily absorbed by the body to… Continue reading
Herbal Remedy to Improve Memory Power of Brain : Brain Vitamin
Article by Dr Andrew Napier
Have you been subjected to a lot of stress lately and have you noticed that you start to forget things? We live in a fast paced world in which we have to be alert at all times. Sometimes it is difficult to keep everything in mind and to stay focused. Memory is a function of the brain that can be improved naturally. If you are looking for an herbal remedy to improve memory power of… Continue reading
Making Vitamins Plain And Simple : Brain Vitamin
Article by Yvonne Volante
It’s no wonder we are pretty confused when shopping for vitamins. We’ve been told, for example, that a good vitamin supplement would boost our energy level. In fact, we’re told this constantly: in magazine arti- cles, television media, the plethora of vitamin- promoting infomercials, web sites, and pop-up ads on the Internet.
So when you arrive at the vitamin shop, you’re already at a complete loss (and may have forgotten altogether) why you’re even there, and… Continue reading